Ricotta Gratinata baked

Ricotta Gratinata baked


For those who have just returned home oster deep fryer reviews, for those stuck in traffic and has just realized that the supermarket is closing or more simply for those who enjoy always taste new forms and new combinations ... here is my recipe for dinner tonight. Simple to do, fast and above all soooo inviting air fryer tv infomercial!

ricotta gratinata



Ingredients (x 4 servings)

280 g of fresh buffalo ricotta air fryer tv ad
140 g of shown on tv flour 0
140 g of air fryer skimmed milk
1 large egg
1 pinch of salt oil for 
1 pinch of pepper if you like it
fresh basil q.b cooklite air fryer
grated cheese if you like it
a dusting of aero fryer recipes bread crumbs
a touch of oil evo
Traditional procedure:

In a bowl sift the ricotta and add the egg, salt and gradually the milk in order to dissolve.
Add the flour, the pepper, the chopped basil and if you like a couple of tablespoons of grated cheese. We mix well to obtain a homogeneous mixture pot fryer.
We prepare a baking sheet lined turkey deep fryer with parchment paper and with the help of a dough cup we make 4 dough pies and remove the dough cup.
Preheat the air fryer chips recipe oven in static mode at 180 °.
Dust the surfaces of the patties with bread crumbs and season with a little oil.
Bake in a hot oven and cook for 30 minutes.
Procedure with Bimby:

Pour all the ingredients into the jug, except for the bread crumbs and the extra virgin olive oil. We mix at speed 3 for 30 seconds.
Spatulate the mixture into the jug and proceed as per point 3 of the traditional process.
Process with air fryer

We follow one of the procedures deep fryer pot and basket above for the preparation of the dough.
Cook in an air fryer for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.

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